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Interested in volunteering? Have questions about Brantford Pride Week? Have feedback about a Pride event, or other suggestions? We’d love to hear from you!

Interested in Volunteering?

Want to volunteer with Brantford Pride, fill out this form. If you have questions, we would love to hear from you!

We are looking for volunteers to help with Brantford Pride 2024:

Setup volunteers

Setup will take place on Saturday June 15th, 2024 at 8AM at Mohawk Park. Setup volunteers will be doing physical labour and be able to lift 25 pounds. Jobs include setting up tables, concessions, seating, and displays.

Take down volunteers

Take down volunteers will be responsible for helping clean-up after Pride in the Park event has wound down for the day (early evening). This will require physical labour and jobs similar to setup volunteers. 

Pride in the Park Volunteers

We’re looking for volunteers to help:

  • Facilitate activities in the kids play area

  • Assist with the food booth

  • Assist with crafts

Other ongoing volunteer roles

Ongoing volunteer are needed for events held throughout the year such as dances and fundraisers. These volunteers are crucial to the community and important part to a successful organization which will continue grow every year.

image of a Brantford Pride walk, 2017

Trans Day of Visibility Flag Raising Event, 2022